Taylor Swift in Lawrence, Kansas after the Kansas City Chiefs game, Today September 25!

The buzz around Taylor Swift's rumored visit to Free State Brewing Co. quickly escalated into a phenomenon that gripped not just the fans but also the entire town of Lawrence, Kansas. As word spread like wildfire across social media, people from far and wide flocked to Massachusetts Street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the global superstar. The situation became even more intriguing due to the alleged connection between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, a prominent Kansas City Chiefs player. Travis had not only invited her to watch a Chiefs game at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium but had also donned an outfit that fans speculated contained hidden clues and references to Taylor's work, known as "Easter eggs" in Swiftie culture. As the excitement continued to build, some social media users went as far as claiming that Taylor Swift would be performing a surprise, impromptu concert at Free State Brewing Co. To quell the growing fervor, Kaitie Pestock, a manager at the establi

Getting Started with DevonThink: Your Ultimate Guide

DevonThink is a powerful document and information management tool for macOS, designed to help you organize, search, and access your digital world efficiently. Whether you're a professional researcher, a student, or simply someone looking to better manage your digital life, DevonThink can be a game-changer. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get started with DevonThink.

DevonThink Guide

1. Download and Install DevonThink

Start by downloading the appropriate version of DevonThink for your needs from the official DevonTechnologies website (https://www.devontechnologies.com/). You'll find various editions, including a free trial and paid options tailored to different use cases. Once the download is complete, follow these steps to install it:

  • Double-click the downloaded file to open the installer.
  • Drag and drop the DevonThink icon into your Applications folder.
  • Launch DevonThink from your Applications folder or by using Spotlight search.

2. Initial Setup

Upon launching DevonThink for the first time, you'll be prompted to set up your database. Think of the database as a digital filing cabinet where you'll store and organize your documents and information. Follow these steps to create your first database:

  • Click "Create a New Database" or "Open Existing Database," depending on your situation.
  • Give your database a name and choose where you want to save it. You can create multiple databases for different projects or purposes, so choose a location that makes sense to you.
  • Click "Create" to create your new database.

3. Add Documents and Information

DevonThink provides several methods to add documents and information to your newly created database:

  • Importing: To add documents directly into DevonThink, go to the "File" menu and select "Import." You can choose to import individual files or entire folders. DevonThink will create copies of these items within its database.
  • Indexing: If you want to keep your documents in their original locations but still access them through DevonThink, use the "Index" option in the "File" menu. This creates references to your files in the database without duplicating them.
  • Capture Tools: DevonThink offers capture tools like the "Clip to DevonThink" browser extension. It allows you to save web pages, articles, or selections directly into your database for later reference.

4. Organizing Your Information

DevonThink provides several tools to help you organize your documents and information effectively:

  • Tags: Tags are a versatile way to categorize and label your documents. You can create your own tag system, such as "work," "personal," or project-specific tags.
  • Folders and Groups: Create folders or groups within your database to structure your data logically. Drag and drop documents into these folders to keep things organized.
  • Metadata: Use metadata to add extra information to your documents. This can include document creation dates, authors, or any other relevant data. This information makes it easier to search and sort your documents.

5. Searching and Retrieving Information

One of DevonThink's standout features is its powerful search capabilities:

  • Search Bar: The search bar at the top of the application allows you to search for documents using keywords, tags, file types, and more.
  • Filters: Refine your search results with filters. You can filter by date, document type, tags, and other criteria to quickly find what you're looking for.
  • See Also and Classify: DevonThink can suggest related documents using the "See Also" feature. It can also automatically classify documents into groups based on their content using the "Classify" feature.

6. Backup and Security

Ensure the safety and security of your data with these considerations:

  • Backup: Regularly back up your DevonThink databases to prevent data loss. The application offers built-in backup options that you can configure to meet your needs.
  • Encryption: DevonThink allows you to encrypt your databases for added security. This is particularly important if you're dealing with sensitive information.

7. Explore Advanced Features

DevonThink is a feature-rich application, and as you become more comfortable with the basics, you can explore advanced features such as:

  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition): If you have scanned documents or images with text, DevonThink Pro and Pro Office editions offer OCR capabilities to make the text searchable and selectable.
  • Automation: You can automate tasks in DevonThink using AppleScript and integrate it with other apps and services through workflows, making your workflow more efficient.
  • Collaboration and Sync: Consider setting up synchronization with other devices to access your database from anywhere. You can also collaborate with others by sharing databases and documents.

8. Learn and Get Support

DevonThink is a robust tool with many capabilities, so don't hesitate to seek help and explore resources:

  • Documentation: DevonThink offers comprehensive documentation that covers all aspects of the application. Refer to it for in-depth information on specific features and use cases.
  • Online Communities: Join online forums and communities where DevonThink users share tips, tricks, and best practices. It's a great way to learn from experienced users.
  • Tutorials: Look for tutorials and video guides on YouTube or other educational platforms. Many experienced users create tutorials to help newcomers.

9. Understand the User Interface

Familiarize yourself with DevonThink's user interface to maximize your efficiency:

  • Sidebar: The sidebar on the left provides quick access to databases, groups, smart groups, and tags. You can also customize the sidebar to display what's most relevant to your workflow.
  • Document View: In the main window, you'll find the document view. Double-click on a document to open it in this view. Here, you can read, annotate, and make changes to your documents.
  • Inspector: The Inspector pane on the right allows you to view and edit document metadata, apply tags, and see document references.
  • Tools: Explore the "Tools" menu for features like the built-in web browser, integrated email archiving, and the ability to create rich text and Markdown documents.

10. Explore Document Editing

DevonThink is not just for document storage; you can also edit and create documents within the application:

  • Creating New Documents: Use the "Data" menu to create new documents. You can choose from various document types, including rich text, plain text, and Markdown.
  • Annotation: Annotate PDFs and images directly within DevonThink. You can highlight text, add comments, draw shapes, and more.
  • Full-Text Search: Take advantage of DevonThink's advanced full-text search within documents. This feature is incredibly useful when you have a large collection of PDFs, eBooks, or research papers.

11. Advanced Search Techniques

DevonThink's search functionality goes beyond simple keyword searches:

  • Boolean Operators: Use operators like AND, OR, and NOT to create complex search queries. For example, searching for "project report AND 2023" will find documents that contain both terms.
  • Wildcard Searches: Employ wildcards () to match variations of words. For instance, searching for "manag" will find "manage," "management," and "manager."
  • Proximity Searches: Find documents where specific terms appear close to each other using the NEAR operator. For example, "DevonThink NEAR 10 Mac" will find documents where the terms "DevonThink" and "Mac" are within 10 words of each other.

12. Use Smart Rules

DevonThink allows you to automate actions with Smart Rules:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Create Smart Rules to automatically organize documents based on specific criteria, such as document type, keywords, or tags.
  • Scheduled Actions: You can schedule Smart Rules to run at specific times or intervals, making routine document management tasks even more efficient.

13. Explore Sync Options

Syncing your databases across devices ensures you have access to your information wherever you are:

  • DevonThink To Go: If you're using an iPad or iPhone, consider using the DevonThink To Go app to access your databases on mobile devices.
  • Cloud Syncing: DevonThink offers built-in sync capabilities, but you can also sync your databases via popular cloud services like Dropbox or iCloud.

14. Collaboration

Collaboration is possible within DevonThink:

  • Sharing Databases: You can share entire databases with colleagues or team members. This is especially useful for collaborative projects where multiple people need access to the same documents.
  • Importing from Other Apps: DevonThink integrates with various apps, making it easy to import documents and information from other software you use.

15. Backup and Security Best Practices

Secure your data and maintain peace of mind:

  • Regular Backups: Make it a habit to back up your DevonThink databases regularly. The application provides options for configuring automatic backups.
  • Data Encryption: For sensitive data, consider enabling database encryption within DevonThink to add an extra layer of security.

16. Stay Updated

Keep your DevonThink software up-to-date to access new features, improvements, and security updates. Check the official DevonThink website or use the application's built-in update feature.

17. Seek Further Learning

DevonThink is a versatile tool with a lot to offer. If you want to explore its full potential, consider investing time in learning:

  • Advanced Features: Delve into advanced features like scripting with AppleScript, custom metadata, and third-party integrations.
  • Online Courses: Look for online courses or workshops that focus on using DevonThink for specific purposes, such as research or productivity.
  • Community Support: Join online communities and forums dedicated to DevonThink users. These can be valuable resources for troubleshooting and discovering new use cases.


Getting started with DevonThink opens the door to a world of efficient document and information management. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide and exploring advanced features and best practices, you can transform the way you organize, search, and access your digital world.

DevonThink is a versatile tool that adapts to your specific needs, whether you're a student, researcher, professional, or simply someone looking to streamline their digital life. Its robust features, powerful search capabilities, and customization options make it a valuable addition to your workflow.

Remember that your journey with DevonThink is ongoing. As you become more proficient with the application, consider diving into advanced features, seeking out online communities and resources, and continually optimizing your document management process. DevonThink can become your digital assistant, helping you stay organized, focused, and productive in our increasingly digital world.


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